
Mirrors (2016)


mirrors, 2016 (curated by Adriane Wachholz)
Künstlerhaus Dortmund, de
photo: Hannes Woidich

featuring works:
Moss mirror, 2013
Outside insight paravent, 2016

An exhibition with Philipp Fürhofer, Anton Ginzburg, Heike Kabisch, Gereon Krebber, Timo Kube, Claudia Mann, Thomas Musehold, Dorothea Nold, Linda Sanchez, Katja Tönnissen.

In eleven positions Mirrors deals with different facets of mirrors and mirror-like reflections. Starting from its materiality to issues of real spaces and surfaces, the exhibition opens up the view to look at ideas and projections.

Outside insight paravent offers a disorientating, fragmenting view of its surroundings by function of the alternating open frames of the screen and those where the frame is filled with double sided mirror. Alternating lines of asphalt on the outside and lines of sky imagery on the inside of the wooden frames of the screens, direct the viewers eye simultaneously up and down while the view of looking ahead through the open frames and the reflection of the mirror of whats behind presents the viewer with an unsettling experience of multiple dimensions simultaneously. 

The piece is an investigation into representing and pin-pointing the psychological state of the in-between. In 1964 the cultural anthropologist Victor Turner described social transitions in life as “social dramas”, which was based on Arnold van Gennep’s model threefold structure: the separation, the liminality (the in-between) and the integration. His thoughts on the state of liminality, as well as the philiospher Gaston Bachelard’s thoughts on the rational versus the irrational mind has accompanied Erlund’s research for several years and function as a strong influence in the conceptual foundation for the entire Outside insight series of works, which Outside insight paravent is part of.